Ninja Camp Card Game Review : You need to play this game!

Cards games are probably the first games we learned how to play when we were little, usually because they are quick to learn and quick to play. A couple of weeks ago, a 5-year-old taught me how to play Go Fish, and she did an amazing job explaining the rules. Then, me and her brother, who is 4, had a great time, it took us 30 minutes max. to play a whole game.

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Best Family Board Game Night: Pandemic Review

One of my favorite genres in board gaming is cooperative games. Not only it is incredibly satisfying and fun to try to beat a game together as a team, it is one of the easiest ways to get into modern board games.  Because you are on the same team, the tension of missing a rule or making a mistake that results in you losing a game to someone is eliminated right from the start.

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